The following guidelines are provided for compliance of all authors whose abstract(s) have been accepted for oral/poster presentations this coming ACRS 2015. Notifications of acceptance of abstracts has been sent to all authors on AUGUST 1, 2015. Authors must prepare their papers and submit them to the Conference Secretariat no later than September 1, 2015 September 10, 2015 (extended deadline). For applicants of AARS Innovation Award, the full paper and required documents should be submitted no later than September 1, 2015.
Authors must strictly follow the following guidelines in preparation of their full papers. A copy of the full paper template is available for download and is recommended as starting document for the preparation of full paper. Download Full Paper Template. An example full paper based on this template is available for download.
Kohei Cho1 and Enrico C. Paringit2
1Tokai University, 2-28-4, Tomigaya, Shibuya-k, Tokyo 151-0063, Japan,
2University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, 1001, Metro Manila, Philippines,
KEY WORDS: List three to five keywords
ABSTRACT: These guidelines are provided to make it easy to read with the consistent format. Please complete your full paper in strict conformance with these guidelines and send it to the Conference Secretariat no later than September 1, 2015 September 10, 2015 (extended deadline). For applicants of AARS Innovation Award, the full paper and required documents should be submitted no later than September 1, 2015. An example full paper is available for download.
1.1 Sheets for Papers and Typing
Prepare the camera-ready manuscripts in A4 paper sheet size 297 mm x 210 mm (11.69 x 8.27 inches).
Set upper margin to 26 mm and lower margin to 22 mm, left margin to 24 mm and right margin to 22 mm. The entire text is to be typed in a single wide column across the whole page.
The font and size should be Times New Roman 10pt, except the paper title, which should be 12pt. All text is to be single-spaced. Left and right justified typesetting is preferred. Do not set page numbers. All papers should be submitted in PDF format.
1.2 Length
All manuscripts are limited to 10 single-spaced pages, including the Title block, abstract, figures, tables and references.
Additional pages are not accepted.
1.3 Page Numbering
Do not type the page number on the manuscript sheet.
2.1 Title Block
The title should appear in bold capital letters without underlining, centered, near the top of the first page of the paper. Use more than one line if you wish, but always use single spacing. After one blank line type the author(s)’ name(s) and affiliation in upper and lower case letters centered under the title. In the case of multi-authorship, group them by firm or organization. Affiliation should include the institution(s) and the postal address. For convenience of readers of the proceedings, it is recommended to include the e-mail address(es). A slight change of the title and authors of full paper from the submitted Abstract Form is accepted.
2.2 Key Words
Leave two blank lines under the Title Block. Type “KEY WORDS:” flush left in bold capital letters, followed by three to five English key words which are not included in the paper title.
2.3 Abstract
Leave one blank line under the key words. Type “ABSTRACT” flush left in bold capital letters followed by the abstract. Please write a concise abstract (limited to 300 words) which presents in short the content and, very importantly, the news and results of the paper in words understandable also to a non-specialist. The text must be always single spaced, without blank lines between paragraphs. Start paragraphs flush with left margin.
Type text single-spaced, with one blank line between paragraphs and headings. Start paragraphs flush with left margin.
3.1 Headings
Major headings or chapter headings are to be flush with the left margin, in bold capitals without underlining. Major headings are on a separate line between two single blank lines.
Type subheadings flush with the left margin, in bold upper case and lower case letters (Title Case). Subheadings are on a separate line between two single blank lines.
Sub-subheadings: Sub-subheadings are to be typed in bold upper case and lower case letters after one blank line flush with the left margin of the column, with text following on the same line.
Decimal numbering of all headings is appreciated. If there is no bold printing available to you, use underlining, instead, but only for subheadings and sub-subheadings, not for major headings.
3.2 Footnotes
Avoid footnotes, but if you need them, mark footnotes in the text with an asterisk (*); use a double asterisk (**) for a second footnote on the same page.
3.3 References and/or Selected Bibliography
References should be cited in the text, thus (Smith, 1987b), and listed in alphabetical order in the reference section. The following arrangements should be used:
For references from Journals:
Smith, J., 1987a. Calibration tests of industrial and scientific CCD cameras. Photogrammetria, 42 (1), pp. 47-56.
For references from Books:
Smith, J., 1989. Architectural Photogrammetry. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 321-332.
Thomas, L., 1990. Close-range camera calibration. In: Industrial Photogrammetry, edited by Smith, J., John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp. 403-445.
For references from Other Literature:
Smith, J., 1987b. Economic printing of color photos. Report KRL-3, Kennedy Laboratories, Arlington, VA-USA.
Smith, J., 1988. Single Station Self-Calibration Technique. In: International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Kyoto, Vol.XXVII, Part B5, pp.456-469.
For references from websites:
Smith, J., 2010. Optimizing Remote Sensing for Disaster Monitoring, Retrieved May 13, 2005, from
3.4 Illustrations
3.4.1 Placement: Figures and tables may be either one or two columns in width. Large figures and tables sometimes need to be turned on their sides. If you must turn a figure or table sideways, be sure that the top of it always on the left -hand side of the page.
3.4.2 Captions: All captions should be typed in upper case and lower case letters, centered above the tables and beneath the figures. Figures and tables are to be numbered in their respective order, e.g. Figure 1, Table 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Table 2, etc.
3.4.3 Copyright: If your article contains any copyrighted illustrations or imagery, please include a statement of copyright such as: c SPOT Image Copyright 20xx (fill in year) CNES. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain any necessary copyright permission.
3.5 Equations, Symbols and Units
3.5.1 Equations: Equations should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper. The equation number should be enclosed in parentheses and placed flush right. Leave one blank line before and after the equations.
3.5.2 Symbols and Units: Use the SI (Systeme Internationale) Units and Symbols. All units and symbols should be typed.
4.1 Transmittal of Full Papers
Save the full paper in PDF format as follows: ACRS2015_Paper-ID_###.pdf where ### is your assigned paper ID number. For example if your paper is assigned with paper ID no. 123, then save your full paper as ACRS2015_Paper-ID_123.pdf
The author should send the camera-ready full final manuscript in PDF format to the Conference Secretariat no later than September 1, 2015 September 10, 2015 (extended deadline) through the following e-mail address: Kindly include in your e-mail the following information:
- Paper ID
- Title of Paper
- Full Name of Presenting Author
- Affiliation of Presenting Author
- Country/Region of the Presenting Author
For applicants of the AARS Innovation Award, the author should also submit the full paper (including the application form, CV and Letter of Acceptance of Abstract) by e-mail to the Chinese National Committee for Remote Sensing (CNCRS) <> with CC to ACRS 2015 Secretariat <> no later than September 1, 2015.
Late papers will not be included in the proceedings. The author – presenter should register before the submission of the full paper to ensure that at least one author will show up at the conference. Papers without any author registering on or before September 1, 2015 will not be included in the final program and proceedings.
4.4 Conference Secretariat
If you need any assistance, please contact the ACRS 2015 Secretariat at
A copy of the full paper template is available for download and is recommended as starting document for the preparation of full paper. Download Full Paper Template. An example full paper based on this template is available for download.